Wednesday 29 August 2012

Qualify for the HAMP Government home Loan Modification Program

Many people in the current state of the economy are seeking mortgage loan modification assistance. The one thing you have to keep in mind is if you are facing foreclosure, time is crucial. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to begin researching.

Researching Modification Services

Are you having trouble making your mortgage payments because of circumstances beyond your control? Have you just found you will soon be out of a job? These are certainly circumstances that may indeed qualify you for the HAMP government program. In order to qualify for this and other similar programs, you need to meet certain criteria:

  • You must be unable to make your current mortgage payments because of a substantial increase in expenses, reduction in income or unemployment.
  • Must be able to prove you can make the payments after modification
  • Must have purchased the home prior to pre-defined government regulations
  • Lender must be able to prove it can increase its profits after modification

Of course you can also locate a private mortgage loan modification program, but the payments are likely to be higher since private programs allow up to 36 percent of your income for payments compared to only 31 percent for the HAMP program. For more information about HAMP and other loan modification programs visit

Participation in the HAMP Program

Don’t hesitate to consider the government affordable mortgage home modification program if you’re looking to lower your payments. Sure, there are private programs, but if you can qualify for this one, why bother? Of course, you have to remember not all lenders have to participate—only those who offer government-insured mortgages must participate. So what? There are plenty of available lenders that participate. I used it myself after finding out how much of a difference it would make in my monthly payments. In addition, the government program offers incentives for both lenders and borrowers: the former to encourage participation and the latter to make the new payments on time.

When to Apply

One of the most important things to remember about mortgageloan modification services is they can sometimes take up to a year for the modification to go through. For this reason you want to make sure you put in your application as soon as you realize you are having problems making your payments—or even if you anticipate that you may have problems as in the case with an anticipated lay off or decrease in pay in lieu of a layoff. The sooner you contact your lender and discuss your options, the better your chances are of the lender being willing to hold off on a foreclosure and wait for your modification to go through.